Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's All About Schools !

it's like a normal day..i come back from school ..
once again , i complain at my mum tat I HATE MY NEW SCHOOL which is SMK DENGKIL !!
why ? becoz student in tat school all is Skema2 and strong religiously !!!
gosh .. go to school also must wear songkok ? wat is tis ? u cannot force me to wear songkok !
it's my right !!! and there's no rule saying must wear SONGKOK !
so , i complain so many times to my mum..and saying i wan to move back to my OLD SCHOOL !

guess wat my mum say ? !
she say .. sure !
but .. only if i din get the offer for SBP and MRSM laa .. huhu
coz if i get the offer .. i will continue my study into the boarding school for sure ..
i was hoping for it since i was in 6th grade btw ..
so guyz .. plizz .. pray for me k .. pray for me so tat i could get the offer for SBP and MRSM ..
but if i din get .. also nvm .. coz i'll be back to ESEMPI ! oh yeah !

p/s : SBP or MRSM or ESEMPI ~ it's all the same and ok wif me ~ but not SMK DENGKIL ! :)

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