Monday, January 17, 2011

Chinese New Year !

uishhh .. x sabaq nak tunggu CHINESE NEW YEAR nih .. HOLIDAY for 1 week ! oh yeah ! haha

pasal SBP..belom dpt lg..xpe..tunggu MRSM plak..

tapi yg UTAMAnya..CNY nih nak balek KGS..

rindu kat kampung ... rindu kwn2 KGS .. huhu

nanti aq mai sana..kita lepak2 laaa k ! haha :D

pasal skolah ~ bole dah makin menyuaikan diri kat skola nih ..

tapi aq maseh membangkang pasai songkok tuh .. hahahaha xDD

cikgu2 skola tuh ok la jugak ! boleh la..masuk la jugak dlm kepala ape yg di ajarnya..

mcm lari drpd tajuk jer citer aq nih .. haha .. xpe la..who cares , rite ? xD

my blog , my rule ! :P

well ..CHINESE NEW YEAR !! i will wait for u ! hehe :D

it still too early to wish Happy Chinese New Year btw .. so must wait till its date first !

and if can .. i want ANG PAO also .. hahahaha :)

tats all for today .. see ya in the next post ! :D


  1. Happi chinese new year~
    mana ang pau aku??!!!!
    i tak kira u guna cara ape,ang pau tu mesti sampaikan ke tangan ku~!!!
    kan kamu dah kahwin dgn lady phoon phoon?
    jadi boleh bagi ang pau lorh~XD

  2. haha..happy chinese new year to u too :D
    ang pao ? i send use pos laju la then ! xD
    i dun hav kahwin wif lady phoon phoon..
    u ! itik ! :PP

  3. plz dun call other ppl lady phoon phoon>.<

  4. u come my house then i slap u la...

  5. cherh ! u wan slap me..
    so u la come to my house !
    if not..giv me ur house address..
    i will come visit u and mr n mrs phoon :D

  6. come la...then they sure will ask u ...
    r u muhamad ...suami phoon keh..
    then c u hw ans..

  7. hahah...very easy lo..
    i just answer .. YESS !
    then ur parent come hug hug me ..
    say .. ''ohhh...u so leng zai..
    hahahahahaha xDDD

  8. nonono...they will slap u n say yong sui

  9. no la..they wont de...
    coz ur parent like ppl who is cong ming than thier daughter..haha
    they will accept me de coz i get 8A :PP

  10. u are no clever u only vry hardworking study...
    i dun hav study mah..tats y i cant get many A loh...>.<(Si Jahat)

  11. haha..i lazy ppl wat..i dun hav hardworking !
    u get many A arh ? sure arh ? haha xPP

  12. i sure i get many A if i hardworking...
    N tat is not lazy only....only dun wan hardworking...

  13. hahahaha ! k laa...u win la :P
    u cong ming ! :)
