Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

feel glad


Monday, May 28, 2012

Moving On

hurmmmmmm ,,
well ,there's not much to say actually ..
just..u know..
life hav been so hard tis lately..
too much problems burdening my shoulder !
and yet..there's still problems awaiting me in the future !
besides facing the problems..there's SPM nid to be taken care of ! haish

how will i survive this pathetic world ?

urmmm , by moving on perhaps !
let bygones be bygones...
let the past exist only in the past...
let the past be a history..
just let everything go ! :)

let people insult u...oh...just ignore them !
becoz u know urself better than them !
they thought they know everything about u..but they wrong !
they know NOTHING !
just by seeing..they thought im this..im that..bla bla bla...
oh come on la..stop ''fitnah-ing'' people ! dumb ass !

urghhh...i had enough !
from now..
i'll just kept my mouth shut la then !
why ? coz it's the best way to shut their mouth up la ! :)
i'll just be nice to those are being nice to me only !

my patience has reach the limits now !
im not saying im change..
just being more careful n controlled :)

that's all i wanna say !
again i said..if u dun like what im writing...
u can get the hell out of here...
my blog..my heart :)
i hav the right to write wat i wanna write..
n u hav the right to remain silenced ! haha

with that point,..i end my speech xDD

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Just A Simple One

hmmm ,
it seem so hard to say gudbye  rite now !
i just feel like i dont wan to go back to ASiS !
but for the sake of SPM ! i'll just hav to deal with it , i guessed ! :|
oh come on la matt , this year only ! hang in there , stay strong !
well , i'll just nid to work harder la kan ! haha
my intervensi not so good ! although no failed but still nid a lot of hard work !
i nid to achive my target !  9A+ ! hehe :DD

ok..malas la nak ckp bnyk !
esok pon nak balek asrama dah ~
so long , ma friends :)
cuma nak mintak tlg skit dprd sahabat2 semua ..
wish me luck 4 every exam i faced ok ? plizz !
oh..dont worry..i always wish u gud luck too , my friend :))

ok ok..bubye ! ;)