Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CELCOM gf ku .. MAXIS ex-gf ku ..

haha ~
akhirnya aq dgn maxis sudah clash ..
sbb die tamak duit sngt .. asyik nak top-up ja..
tapi xpa..mcm2 kenangan indah aq ngan akn ingat kenangan tuh..
hubungan aq ngan maxis mmg erat..
cuma x berkekalan je la..huhu maseh berkawan ngan maxis lg la..hehe :)

tapi x kisah sngt kalau dah clash pon..haha :DDD
sebab..i got a new GF...
her name is celcom ..
hah ! aq ngan celcom nih ade jodoh skit ..
celcom suka kaler pon suka kaler biru..
pastuh dia baek..xyah pegi kedai beli top-up..
dia pakai line ja..dia kate dia nak berdikari..xmaw susahkan aq beli top-up utk dia..hehe harap..hubungan aq dgn celcom nih akn berkekalan sampai bila2..

Friday, December 10, 2010

English Camp !!

ohh yeah !!!
nice camp !!! great camps !!!! a 3 days camp !!!

1st day..
get into friends..
my so like a stranger over there..
i dun noe anyone...but ice breaking session...really went well i think..
then making a group name , flag , logo and cheer movement...!!!
ya..tat part was the most syiok !!!
do u now wat our group name is ? it is THE SILENT !!
now why we chose tat name.. is becoz we all just sit there and not talking to each other..
oh yea ! about tis idea ....!!! A girl..from overseas..suggest tat name..wakaka :D
and i like my group member..they all very friendly :)
and also our group facilitators :D

so 2nd day..
we all get to noe each other already..
and tat day is a treasure hunt day..
fun and tired day ofcoz..!!
dirty also got..collect 10 goat poops..and carry cow shit from point A to B
we dance..we laugh..we ran..we tired..we ..errr...errr...
although some got bully us :D

and the last day..the 3rd day..
yupp..pretty upset..last day T.T
nvm..still can meet again when go a trip to KL..hehe
oh ya..tat day got a ESQ talk and AADK ...
at night...we all sing 'a new day has come' by Celine Dion..!!
nice song !! hehe :D

but dun think tat tis camp is over..tis english camp will over in 18 December..
and on tat day..there will be a closing ceremony..
and at tat time..all the 10 group must do a perfomance..
and my group..THE SILENT..will doing a short drama..!!
we are going to do some training until the closing ceremony start..!!!
hopefully..we can do it well..hehe
gambateh gambateh gambateh !!!!!!!!!!! :DD

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My LazySicca .. Muackkss :D

Jessica (제시카)

Birth Name: Jessica Jung (제시카 정)

Korean Name: Jung Soo-yeon (정수연)

Nicknames: Sica, Jessi, Sergeant Sic, Sicachu, Sickal (knive), Ice Princess

Height: 163 cm.

Weight: 43 kg.

Bloodtype: B

Date of Birth: April 18, 1989

Position: Main Vocalist

Language: Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent), Chinese (Basic), Japanese

Speciality: Dance, High Notes

Casted: 2000 SM Casting System
Training: 7 Years 6 Months

School: Korea Kent Foreign School (K.K.F.S.) [graduated]

yupp..she my idol :D

i like her..

aww..isnt she cute ? -->>

she from SNSD..

and im a SONEs ..

i like SNSD(Girl Generation)..

see the pictue ->

and i like Jessica the most .. hehe

she so cute .. she so gorgeous ..

i like her voice also .. hehe :DDD

beautiful little sicca ;D
she doesnt like doing house cleaning at all..haha


Friday, December 3, 2010

BoRiNg !!!!!

pergh...boring giler ..

x taw nak buat aperw..

nak main game..semua bosan2..

nak bace buku .. x best ..

boleh dikatakan ... tahap boring paling tinggi la..

kesimpulannya...BORING SIOT !!!! xDD